Monday, April 27, 2009

Get Paid by

A lot of you have been asking, "How do you get paid by And how does work?" Toady, I will go into some detail on what you need to do to start working with and get paid by

First and foremost, you must have a valid Twitter account. Duh! Okay, I know that was lame, but you wouldn't believe how many people don't.

Then, sign up for an account at You will have to fill in your Twitter account details, some other minor details and of course, your PayPal details. At this moment in time, only uses PayPal to send money to you. If you do not have one, it is also very easy to set one up at You really should have an account there anyway. There are plenty of online sites that use PayPal as well.

Once you have logged into You can click on the "Post Ads" link to start posting some ads. I would read through this list of ads carefully. Remember to select ads that only pertain to you and your "Twitter Style." You can read exactly what will be posted to your account and for how much money per click. After you find the ad (or ads) that you like, you may select it and agree to post it to your Twitter profile.

Now you are on autopilot! Anytime someone clicks on your ad, you get paid by! keeps a tally of how many ads your followers clicked on and an amount for which to pay you. After you reach $20.00 you may withdraw your money. Then continue posting!

Some good practices to stand by: Don't spam the system. Ideally it would be great if you could just keep posting ads and getting clicks all day long. Unfortunately, your followers will NOT like you anymore if you do this. So fray away from spamming. A general rule of thumb is to post an ad, and go on about your normal Twitter posts about your coffee break or snow-boarding vacation. Then come back to after a while.

Please make some comments or let me know if there are any questions!


  1. I would love to try this since I am quite the twitter user. jojodinapoli

  2. Yeh I must say that I also spend alot of time on which reaches over 50 top social media websites.

    But I will have to check this out and see if it really works out!

    Norman Flecha

  3. So far i started last night and it say i made $0.085 we'll see how it goes...

  4. Thank,s for the input,I,ll give it a shot

  5. I have several twitter accounts with some exceding 10K in followers and I never make more than $2 a day using REVTWT...and I post 4 ads per day per account.

  6. I have an acount at revtwt but it's so hard to increase my follower on twitter.Do you have some tips how to get more?Thanks 4 share

  7. Thanks a lot it is a very good help, now to make money with twitter is definitely simple and easy by using your recommendation. Kudos

  8. Great! You gave a great information, I hope I'll also try to make it happened.

